breach of trust

breach of trust. A trustee’s violation of either the trust’s terms or the trustee’s general fiduciary obligations; the violation of a duty that equity imposes on a trustee, whether the violation was willful, fraudulent, negligent, or inadvertent. • A breach of trust subjects the trustee to removal and creates personal liability.

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breach of trust

breach of trust 违反信托 指受托人、遗嘱执行人或处于受信地位〔fiduciary position〕的其他人违反所承担的义务;在狭义上仅指受托人违反信托义务。包括受托人从事未经授权或信托条款所禁止的行为,或对信托要求其从事的行为不作为。例如,受托人挪用信托基金或信托财产、未经法律或信托文件授权而将信托基金进行证券投资等。传统上,法院对受托人要求有很高的注意和勤勉义务,但在现代已有所放松,英国1925年《受托人法》〔Trustee Act〕规定法院可以扩大受托人的权限,并且,如果受托人系诚实、合理地从事行为且出于正当理由,则法院有权免除其违反信托的责任。

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