cadastre (k[schwa]-das-t[schwa]r). A survey and valuation of real estate in a county or region compiled for tax purposes. — Also spelled cadaster.
cadastre (k[schwa]-das-t[schwa]r). A survey and valuation of real estate in a county or region compiled for tax purposes. — Also spelled cadaster.
土地(财产)登记处 英语:land (property) registry (recorder) 法语:cadastre 德语:Katasteramt, Grundbuchamt 意大利语:ufficio del catasto, registri immobiliari 西班牙语:Registro de la Propiedad
登记处(财产,土地登记处) 英语:recorder (property, land registry) 法语:cadastre 德语:Katasteramt, Grundbuchamt 意大利语:(gestore di) ufficio del catasto, registri immobiliari 西班牙语:Registro de la Propiedad