de domo reparanda
de domo reparanda (dee doh-moh rep-[schwa]-ran-d[schwa]), n. [Law Latin “to repair a house”] Hist. A writ ordering a cotenant to contribute to the expenses of maintaining common property.
de domo reparanda (dee doh-moh rep-[schwa]-ran-d[schwa]), n. [Law Latin “to repair a house”] Hist. A writ ordering a cotenant to contribute to the expenses of maintaining common property.
de domo reparanda 〈拉〉维修令状 1签发给某一承租人的令状,要求其他共同承租人分担因维修共同财产而付出的费用;2要求某人维修其对其他居民构成威胁的危屋的古令状。