hundred court
hundred court 〈英〉百户区法庭 百户区自设的法庭,是一种较大的封建法庭。一般每3-4周开庭一次,审理的多为轻微的民事案件。审理时,由百户区内土地完全保有人担任法官,由庄园管家或百户区执事作为登记官主持审判。百户区法庭不是存卷法院〔court of record〕,且比一般的领主法庭的司法管辖权为大。这些法庭由1867年《郡法院法》〔County Courts Act〕废除。
hundred court 〈英〉百户区法庭 百户区自设的法庭,是一种较大的封建法庭。一般每3-4周开庭一次,审理的多为轻微的民事案件。审理时,由百户区内土地完全保有人担任法官,由庄园管家或百户区执事作为登记官主持审判。百户区法庭不是存卷法院〔court of record〕,且比一般的领主法庭的司法管辖权为大。这些法庭由1867年《郡法院法》〔County Courts Act〕废除。
Hist. In England, a larger court baron, held for all inhabitants of a particular hundred rather than a manor, in which the free suitors were the judges (jurors) and the steward the register. • A hundred court was not a court of record, and it resembled a court-baron in all respects except for its larger