投保 英语:insure, take out insurance 法语:contracter (prendre) une assurance, s’assurer 德语:eine Versicherung abschliessen 意大利语:stipulare un’assicurazione 西班牙语:asegurar, tomar un seguro
投保 英语:insure, take out insurance 法语:contracter (prendre) une assurance, s’assurer 德语:eine Versicherung abschliessen 意大利语:stipulare un’assicurazione 西班牙语:asegurar, tomar un seguro
insure, vb. 1. To secure, by payment of a premium, the payment of a sum of money in the event of a loss. [Cases: Insurance 1001. C.J.S. Insurance § 2.] 2. To issue or procure an insurance policy on or for (someone or something).