issue of law
A point on which the evidence is undisputed, the outcome depending on the court’s interpretation of the law. — Also termed legal issue.
A point on which the evidence is undisputed, the outcome depending on the court’s interpretation of the law. — Also termed legal issue.
issue of law 法律上的争点 指与案件的法律适用相关的争议问题。在案件的证据确凿、不存在争议,且从证据只可能得出一个有关事实的结论时,可能产生法律上的争执点;根据当事人对起诉状、反诉状、答辩状或排除申请〔motion to strike〕所作的法律答辩〔demurrer〕,也会产生法律上的争执点;在当事人申请法庭依简易程序作出判决时,必须证明本案中只存在法律上的争执点需要法庭裁决,即当事人之间对案件的重要事实不存在真正的争议。