litigator. 1. A trial lawyer. 2. A lawyer who prepares cases for trial, as by conducting discovery and pretrial motions, trying cases, and handling appeals. 3. Archaic. A party to a lawsuit; a litigant.
litigator. 1. A trial lawyer. 2. A lawyer who prepares cases for trial, as by conducting discovery and pretrial motions, trying cases, and handling appeals. 3. Archaic. A party to a lawsuit; a litigant.
litigator n. (1)诉讼当事人 该词于19世纪末期开始被使用,为litigant的一种非必要的变形,该意义至20世纪中期一直使用。 (2)庭审律师 等同于trial lawyer,指专门从事民事诉讼业务的律师。但是在现代美国,庭审前的披露程序〔discovery〕越来越无尽无休,litigator逐渐倾向于指从事民事诉讼业务但却从不上法庭的律师。因此现在这两个词已被严格区分开来,trial lawyer参与案件庭审,而litigator仅准备披露请求。