national origin
national origin (1)家世;血统 (2)〈美〉出生国;祖籍国 在美国《民权法》〔Civil Rights Act〕平等就业机会条款中,该词字面上指出生国,广义上也指祖籍国,但它并不包括美国公民的要求。该词在包括《民权法》在内的多部反歧视法中被使用。
national origin (1)家世;血统 (2)〈美〉出生国;祖籍国 在美国《民权法》〔Civil Rights Act〕平等就业机会条款中,该词字面上指出生国,广义上也指祖籍国,但它并不包括美国公民的要求。该词在包括《民权法》在内的多部反歧视法中被使用。
national origin. The country in which a person was born, or from which the person’s ancestors came. • This term is used in several antidiscrimination statutes, including Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibits discrimination because of an individual’s “race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.” 42 USCA § 2000e-2. [Cases: