profit a prendre
profit a prendre 〈法〉共同用益权;在他人土地上的用益权 法律法语,常用复数,指某人使用他人土地并参与分享土地收益或土地出产物的权利,例如在他人土地上伐木、采矿、放牧、养鱼等。其与地役权〔easement〕的区别在于可从他人土地获得收益。又作「right of common」。
profit a prendre 〈法〉共同用益权;在他人土地上的用益权 法律法语,常用复数,指某人使用他人土地并参与分享土地收益或土地出产物的权利,例如在他人土地上伐木、采矿、放牧、养鱼等。其与地役权〔easement〕的区别在于可从他人土地获得收益。又作「right of common」。
profit à prendre (a prawn-dr[schwa] or ah prahn-d[schwa]r). [Law French “profit to take”] (usu. pl.) A right or privilege to go on another’s land and take away something of value from its soil or from the products of its soil (as by mining, logging, or hunting). — Also termed right of common. Pl. profits à
(a prawn-dr[schwa] or ah prahn-d[schwa]r). [Law French “profit to take”] (usu. pl.) A right or privilege to go on another’s land and take away something of value from its soil or from the products of its soil (as by mining, logging, or hunting). — Also termed right of common. Pl. profits à prendre Cf. EASEMENT.