qui tam action

qui tam action (kwI tam). [Latin qui tam pro domino rege quam pro se ipso in hac parte sequitur “who as well for the king as for himself sues in this matter”] An action brought under a statute that allows a private person to sue for a penalty, part of which the government or some […]

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qui tam action

qui tam action 〈拉〉分享的诉讼 制定法规定对某种作为或不作为应处以罚款,并规定此项罚款可以经由民事诉讼追索,罚款的一部分将归任何提起诉讼的个人,其余部分归国家或某一公共机构。告发人据此提起的追索罚款的诉讼,即称为「分享的诉讼」,因为原告起诉既是为国家利益,也是为个人利益。 (→False Claims Act; Whistle-blower Acts; penal action)

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