retorna brevium
retorna brevium (ri-tor-n[schwa] bree-vee-[schwa]m). [Law Latin] Hist. The return of a writ. • This was the indorsement on a writ by a sheriff or other officer, reporting on the writ’s execution.
retorna brevium (ri-tor-n[schwa] bree-vee-[schwa]m). [Law Latin] Hist. The return of a writ. • This was the indorsement on a writ by a sheriff or other officer, reporting on the writ’s execution.
retorna brevium (英格兰古法)令状回呈 庄园和自治市〔borough〕的权利,郡长和执达官按照法院发出的令状的指示执行后,将所行之事记载于令状背面,并在规定的期间回呈给法院。