secondary meaning

secondary meaning

secondary meaning 〈美〉第二含义 在商标法中,指某些本身非显着的〔noninherently distinctive〕文字或图案所附属的新的含义,消费者据此而将该文字或图案作为商品商标或服务商标,用以确定和区别该商品或服务的商业来源。对于本身非显着的商业标记,例如描述性商标〔descriptive mark〕、地理性商标〔geographic mark〕或人名商标〔personal name mark〕,其获得保护的前提是必须取得显着性〔distinctiveness〕。而这种取得的显着性即为「第二含义」,因为其含义是继该文字的第一含义〔primary meaning〕之后所取得的。例如,以「bud」(嫩芽)作啤酒的商标即使之具有第二含义,当人们想要一个「bud」时,即指安霍伊泽-比施公司〔Anheuser-Busch, Inc.〕新制造的啤酒。同样地,用「coke」(焦)作为软饮料的标记也取得了第二含义,当人们要一个「coke」时,他们就是指可口可乐公司生产的那种软饮料。而且,在美国商标法——《拉纳姆法》〔Lanham Act〕对「商标」的定义中规定,「某一语词只要能够起到标示产品出处的功能,它就是一个有效的商标,即使消费者并不明知该产品的制造商或生产商。」某一文字或图案是否具有第二含义是一个事实问题〔question of fact〕。同时,《拉纳姆法》亦规定,如果某一商标在申请人的商品上或与之相联系而进行使用,且以排他性和持续性方式进行使用达5年以上的,则可以承认其为证明该商标具有显着性的初步证据,亦即承认该商标已取得第二含义。

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secondary meaning

Intellectual property. A special sense that a trademark or tradename for a business, goods, or services has acquired even though the trademark or tradename was not originally protectable. • The term does not refer to a subordinate or rare meaning, but rather to a later meaning that has been added to the original one borne

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secondary meaning

secondary meaning. Intellectual property. A special sense that a trademark or tradename for a business, goods, or services has acquired even though the trademark or tradename was not originally protectable. • The term does not refer to a subordinate or rare meaning, but rather to a later meaning that has been added to the original

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