standard of proof

standard of proof 证明标准 在某一类案件或某一特定案件中要求负有证明责任的一方提供证据进行证明应达到的程度。如刑事案件中控诉方对被告人有罪的证明需达到「排除合理怀疑」〔beyond a reasonable doubt〕的程度;大多数民事案件中的证明要求达到「相当的证据优势」〔fair preponderance of the evidence〕的程度。

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standard of proof

standard of proof. The degree or level of proof demanded in a specific case, such as “beyond a reasonable doubt” or “by a preponderance of the evidence.” See BURDEN OF PERSUASION. [Cases: Criminal Law 560; Evidence 596. C.J.S. Criminal Law § 1108; Evidence §§ 1299, 1304–1306, 1308, 1310–1311, 1315–1317.]

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