ticket n. (1)(政党在竞选时提出的全部)候选人名单 (2)票;券;车票;入场券;票证 (3)传票 由警察签发的,要求在指定的日期到法官面前对指控(如违反交通规则)进行答辩的命令。 (4)选票
ticket n. (1)(政党在竞选时提出的全部)候选人名单 (2)票;券;车票;入场券;票证 (3)传票 由警察签发的,要求在指定的日期到法官面前对指控(如违反交通规则)进行答辩的命令。 (4)选票
ticket, n. 1. A certificate indicating that the person to whom it is issued, or the holder, is entitled to some right or privilege (she bought a bus ticket for Miami). 2. CITATION(2) (he got a speeding ticket last week). 3. BALLOT (2) (they all voted a straight-party ticket).