touch and stay

touch and stay 短暂停靠 在海上保险中,赋予被保险人在航行途中的某些指定地点作短暂停靠的权利,但该权利不能超出给定的自由范围。如果被保险人试图在短暂停靠中从事接运或卸货等商业活动,则构成了一种偏离航道的行为,对此保险人将不承担保险责任,除非保单中规定船舶有在停靠期间从事商业活动的自由。

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touch and stay

touch and stay. Marine insurance. An insurer’s giving to the insured the right to stop and remain at certain designated points in the course of the voyage. • A vessel that has the power to touch and stay at a place must confine itself strictly to the terms of the permission given, and any deviation

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