trust receipt

trust receipt 信托收据 指批发商以融资人的受托人的身份购进一批货物,再给融资人开出信托收据,说明批发商已代表融资人的利益占有了这批货物。按照这种安排,货物的所有权从制造商或卖方直接转移给融资人。在债务付清前,批发商只是以受托人的身份占有有关货物。在国际贸易中,有时进口商在远期付款交单条件下,承兑了出口商的汇票后,无力对到货付款,因而须向银行借用运输单证,以便提取货物。进口商为借用运输单证而向银行出具的收据也是信托收据。

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trust receipt

trust receipt. 1. A pre-UCC security device — now governed by Article 9 of the Code — consisting of a receipt stating that the wholesale buyer has possession of the goods for the benefit of the financier. • Today there must usu. be a security agreement coupled with a filed financing statement. [Cases: Chattel Mortgages

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