
tutor, n.

1. One who teaches; esp., a private instructor. Pl. tutors.

2. Roman & civil law. A guardian of a minor; a person appointed to have the care of the minor’s person and estate. • The guardian of a minor past the age of puberty is called a curator and has duties somewhat different from those of a tutor. Pl. tutores.[Cases: Guardian and Ward 10, 17.]

tutor dativus (t[y]oo-tor [or -[schwa]r] d[schwa]-tI-v[schwa]s). [Latin] Roman law. A tutor appointed by the court upon application. Pl. tutores dativi.

tutor gerens (t[y]oo-tor [or -t[schwa]r] jeer-enz). [Latin] Roman law. A tutor who, though not sole tutor, actually administered the ward’s affairs. Pl. tutores gerentes.

tutor legitimus (t[y]oo-tor [or -[schwa]r] l[schwa]-jit-i-m[schwa]s). [Latin] Roman law. A tutor-at-law; a tutor by virtue of the relationship with the pupil, such as a paternal uncle. Pl. tutores legitimi.

tutor testamentarius (t[y]oo-tor [or -[schwa]r] tes-t[schwa]-men-tair-ee-[schwa]s). [Latin] Roman law. A tutor appointed by will to have the guardianship over the testator’s children. Pl. tutores testamentarii.

undertutor. Civil law. A person appointed by a court to represent a minor under the care of a tutor whenever the interests of the minor conflict with that of the tutor. See TUTORSHIP. [Cases: Guardian and Ward 12.]

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