
theory of pleading doctrine

theory of pleading doctrine 〈美〉以诉答意旨为准的原则依该原则,不论原告、被告,均必须就其起诉或答辩的意旨提供证据,即使其提供的证据于其充分有利,但若与其诉答意旨不符,则仍将败诉。现代各法典及民事诉讼规则已取消了这种严格限制,允许当事人以证据为准,可以修正其诉答书状。

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as per

as per. In accordance with; PER(3). • This phrase has traditionally been considered a barbarism, per being the preferred form in commercialese (per your request). But even per can be improved on (as you requested).

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