
culpa (k[schwa]l-p[schwa]). [Latin]

1. Roman & civil law. Fault, neglect, or negligence; unintentional wrong. See NEGLIGENCE. Cf. DILIGENTIA; CASUS (1); DOLUS(1).

2. Roman law. Conduct that made a party to a contract, or quasi-contract, liable to the other party.

lata culpa (lay-t[schwa] k[schwa]l-p[schwa]). [Latin “grave fault”] Gross negligence amounting to bad fath (dolus). • This phrase occurs most commonly in bailment law and in the law of the transport of persons.

— Also termed culpa lata. See gross negligence under NEGLIGENCE.

levis culpa (lee-vis k[schwa]l-p[schwa]). [Latin “slight fault”]

1. Ordinary negligence.

2. Failure to act as the ideal paterfamilias should.

— Also termed culpa levis; culpa levis in concreto. See ordinary negligence under NEGLIGENCE.

levissima culpa (l[schwa]-vis-[schwa]-m[schwa] k[schwa]l-p[ schwa]). [Latin “the slightest fault”] Slight negligence.

— Also termed culpa levissima. See slight negligence under NEGLIGENCE.

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