Search Results for: RULE, THE


insanity n. (刑法)精神病 社会学和法学的专门用语,而非医学用语。指由于精神疾病或精神缺陷,行为人缺乏像正常人那样对事物性质的辨认能力或对自已行为的控制能力,此时他实施社会危害行为,不负法律责任。精神病成为合法辩护的理由之一。美国共有四种对精神病的检验规则:姆纳顿规则〔M’Naghten rule〕、不能控制规则〔irresistable impulse rule〕、德赫姆规则〔Durham rule〕和实际能力规则〔substantial capacity rule〕。其中为《模范刑法典》所采用的实际能力规则现为大多数州所接受。

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strict constructionism

strict constructionism, n. The doctrinal view of judicial construction holding that judges should interpret a document or statute (esp. one involving penal sanctions) according to its literal terms, without looking to other sources to ascertain the meaning. — Also termed strict construction; literal canon; literal rule; textualism. [Cases: Contracts 143(1); Statutes 235, 241(1). C.J.S. Contracts

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assignment in gross

A transfer of a company’s trademark separately from the goodwill of the business. • Courts often hold that such an assignment passes nothing of value to the transferee. — Also termed naked assignment. See ANTI-ASSIGNMENT-IN-GROSS RULEE. [Cases: Trade Regulation 93, 101.1. C.J.S. Trade-Marks, Trade-Names, and Unfair Competition §§ 9, 205.]

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day writ

day writ. English law. A Queen’s Bench writ allowing a prisoner to leave prison to conduct business (such as attending trial at the Court of Assizes), as long as the prisoner returns by 9 p.m. — Also termed day rule.

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fruit of the poisonous tree doctrine

fruit-of-the-poisonous-tree doctrine. Criminal procedure. The rule that evidence derived from an illegal search, arrest, or interrogation is inadmissible because the evidence (the “fruit”) was tainted by the illegality (the “poisonous tree”). • Under this doctrine, for example, a murder weapon is inadmissible if the map showing its location and used to find it was seized

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carriage of goods by land

carriage of goods by land 陆地货物运输 在英国,在陆地货物运输中,公共承运人与特约承运人之间最基本的区别在于:公共承运人的业务向任何人开放、承运其业务范围内的任何种类的货物、将之运至其业务范围内的任何地点,并对处于其保管之下的货物的灭失或损害负责,除非其能证明此种灭失或损害是由于天灾、公敌行为、托运人迟延或货物自身固有缺陷造成的。特约承运人只依据特别约定提供承运服务,并只对由于其过失造成的货物灭失或损害负责。通过合同规定责任限制时,不得违反1830年《承运人法》。自1962年《运输法》〔Transport Act〕以后,英国铁路运输部门〔British Railway〕在货物运输业务中已不再属于公共承运人,其运输合同通常由《英国铁路运输规则》〔British Railways Book of Rules〕调整。大多数公路承运人属于特约承运人,其运输合同根据公路运输协会〔Road Haulage Association〕制订的标准合同条款签订。国际铁路运输主要由国际条约加以调整,这类国际条约目前主要是1961年《国际铁路货物运送公约》和1951年《国际铁路货物联运协定》,前者由1890年伯尔尼《国际铁路货物运送规则》经1924年、1933年和1961年修订而成。国际公路运输由1965年《日内瓦公约》调整。除1951年《国际铁路货物联运协定》外,上述条约已通过立法纳入了英国法律之中。

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dormant funds

dormant funds 〈英〉无人主张权利的资金;闲置资金 法院中经过15年未予处理的资金。对高等法院和郡法院中的无主资金分别依据1927年的《最高法院资金条例》〔Supreme Court Funds Rules〕和1965年的《郡法院资金条例》〔County Court Funds Rules〕处理。地区登记处〔district registry〕的无主资金应转交给总会计师〔Accountant-General〕。

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