Search Results for: RULE, THE


drop. English law. A rule nisi that is not adopted because the members of a court are equally divided on the issue. • The rule is dropped rather than discharged or made absolute.

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no knock search warrant

A search warrant that authorizes the police to enter premises without knocking and announcing their presence and purpose before entry because a prior announcement would lead to the destruction of the objects searched for or would endanger the safety of the police or another person. Cf. KNOCK-AND-ANNOUNCE RULE. [Cases: Searches and Seizures 143.1. C.J.S. Searches

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concerted refusal to deal

concerted refusal to deal 联合抵制交易 指两个以上的人或企业共同约定不同第三方进行业务交往。联合的各方可能是竞争者,也可能不是。联合抵制交易可能违反谢尔曼法〔Sherman Act〕第一条规定,对此应根据联合约定的性质,按照「本身违法规则」〔per se rule〕或「合理规则」〔rule of reason〕进行分析。 (→boycott; per se rule; rule of reason)

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admiralty (ad-m[schwa]-r[schwa]l-tee), n. 1. A court that exercises jurisdiction over all maritime contracts, torts, injuries, or offenses. • The federal courts are so called when exercising their admiralty jurisdiction, which is conferred by the U.S. Constitution (art. III, § 2, cl. 1). — Also termed admiralty court; maritime court. [Cases: Admiralty 1. C.J.S. Admiralty §§

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basel convention

Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Waste and Their Disposal. A 1992 treaty establishing formal rules and procedures for the transportation and disposal of hazardous waste across national borders. • The United States had not ratified the treaty as of 2003. — Often shortened to Basel Convention.

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averment n. (诉状中积极或者肯定的)主张;宣称;陈述 美国《联邦民事诉讼规则》〔Federal Rules of Civil Procedure〕要求所有诉答书状中的陈述或主张应简明、直接。在古代诉讼中,该词指诉答书状中的结论部分,包含提出新的肯定性事项,据此当事人宣称自己已「准备好予以证明」〔ready to verify〕。

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