Search Results for: TEC

national council of juvenile and family court judges

National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges. An organization of judges and hearing officers who exercise jurisdiction over abuse, neglect, divorce, custody and visitation, support, domestic-violence, and other family-law cases. • Founded in 1937, the Council has an educational and support facility located near Reno, Nevada. It provides training, technical support, and professional assistance […]

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madrid agreement

Madrid Agreement. Trademarks. 1. An 1890 treaty establishing a system for the international registration of trademarks. • The agreement’s official name is the Madrid Arrangement Concerning the International Registration of Marks. A product of the Madrid Revision Conference of the Paris Convention in 1890, it was last revised in 1967. Under this treaty’s registration system,

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Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service

Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service 〈英〉咨询、调解和仲裁服务处 根据1975年的《僱佣保护法》〔Employment Protection Act〕设立的一个机构,旨在促进劳资关系的改善,尤其是鼓励集体谈判〔collective bargaining〕的范围扩展、谈判机制的发展与改革。其职责包括咨询、调解和仲裁,因集体谈判之目的而对工会地位的承认所生争议也可以提交该机构解决。此外它还可以颁布程序法典〔Codes of Practice〕。

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federal deposit insurance corporation

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. A federal corporation that protects bank and thrift deposits by insuring accounts up to $100,000, examining banks that are not members of the Federal Reserve System, and liquidating failed institutions. • It was established in 1933 and began insuring banks in 1934. — Abbr. FDIC. [Cases: Banks and Banking 501–508. C.J.S.

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covert baron

covert baron (k[schwa]v-[schwa]rt bar-[schwa]n). [Law French] Hist. The condition or status of a married woman at common law. — Also written cover-baron. — Also termed covert de baron. “By marriage, the husband and wife are one person in law: that is, the very being or legal existence of the woman is suspended during the marriage,

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whistleblower, n. An employee who reports employer wrongdoing to a governmental or law-enforcement agency. • Federal and state laws protect whistleblowers from employer retaliation. [Cases: Master and Servant 30(6.35); Officers and Public Employees 66. C.J.S. Employer–Employee Relationship §§ 69, 78; Of-ficers and Public Employees§§ 121, 150–158.] — whistleblowing, n.

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selective prosecution

selective prosecution. 1. SELECTIVE ENFORCEMENT. 2. The practice or an instance of a criminal prosecution brought at the discretion of a prosecutor rather than one brought as a matter of course in the normal functioning of the prosecuting authority’s office. • Selective prosecution violates the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment if a defendant

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office of surface mining reclamation and enforcement

Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement. A unit in the U.S. Department of the Interior responsible for protecting against the adverse effects of surface coal mining by enforcing laws relating to surface mining and restoration and by assisting states and local governments, which have primary responsibility in this area. — Abbr. OSM.

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