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specialized committees of the House of Commons

specialized committees of the House of Commons 〈英〉〔总称〕下议院专设委员会 下议院从1966年起任命了一些专设委员会以审议特定行政部门的问题或工作。后来经常再次被任命的是科学和技术委员会〔committee on Science and Technology〕,还有其它被任命的委员会如种族关系和移民委员会〔committee on Race Relations and Immigration〕、议会行政监察专员委员会〔committee on the Parliamentary Commissioner for Administration〕等。但是关于部门的委员会并不一直存在。这些委员会提出了一些有价值的报告,而且还使议员们对政府管理的某些方面更为了解。

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state action

state action (1) 〈美〉州行为 1指直接由州实施的或者与州有着充分的联系而可被认为是由州实施的行为。如果该州行为侵犯了联邦宪法第十四条修正案所保障的正当程序〔due process〕和平等保护〔equal protection〕的权利,则应受司法审查,公民对不当侵扰其生活的政府行为可依据正当程序条款和《民权法》〔Civil Rights Act〕请求损害赔偿;2指州以法规或者国家监管的垄断行为来排除竞争,此种行为不会导致承担反托拉斯责任。 (2)国家行为

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son assault demesne

son assault demesne (sohn [schwa]-sawlt di-mayn). [French “his own assault”] The plea of self-defense in a tort action, by which the defendant alleges that the plaintiff originally engaged in an assault and that the defendant used only the force necessary to repel the plaintiff’s assault and to protect person and property. See SELF-DEFENSE.

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cyberlaw (sI-b[schwa]r-law). The field of law dealing with the Internet, encompassing cases, statutes, regu-lations, and disputes that affect people and businesses interacting through computers. • Cyberlaw addresses issues of online speech and business because of the nature of the medium, including intellectual-property rights, free speech, privacy, e-commerce, and safety, as well as questions of jurisdiction.

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patent suppression

patent suppression. The deliberate nonuse of a patent, esp. in order to deny the public or competitors the benefit of the invention. • Patent suppression is a rich source of urban legend, such as the rumor of oil companies sitting on inventions that would greatly improve gas mileage, or pantyhose companies suppressing a patent on

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police, n. 1. The governmental department charged with the preservation of public order, the promotion of public safety, and the prevention and detection of crime. [Cases: Municipal Corporations 180. C.J.S. Municipal Corporations §§ 450–451, 453, 473–476, 497, 502, 505, 508, 534.] 2. The officers or members of this department. [Cases: Municipal Corporations 184. C.J.S. Municipal

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