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hotchpot (hoch-pot), n. 1. The blending of items of property to secure equality of division, esp. as practiced either in cases of divorce or in cases in which advancements of an intestate’s property must be made up to the estate by a contribution or by an accounting. — Also termed hotchpotch; hotchpot rule. Cf. RAPPORT […]

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equal access rule

equal-access rule. Criminal law. The doctrine that contraband found on a defendant’s premises will not support a conviction if other persons have the same access to the premises as the defendant. • To invoke this defense successfully, the defendant must show that other persons did in fact have equal access to the premises; speculative evidence

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hold, n. Archaic. In England, tenure. • This word occurs most often in conjunction with others — for example, freehold, leasehold — and rarely in its separate form. See HOLDING(4). hold, vb. 1. To possess by a lawful title (Sarah holds the account as her separate property). 2. (Of a court) to adjudge or decide

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noctanter a. 夜间的;在夜间;趁黑夜 以前对夜盗罪〔burglary〕的起诉书中若未写明被控行为是在夜间发生,则该指控会被认为是有缺陷的。 n.围篱践踏令 由文秘署签发,向王座法庭回呈的一种令状。1285年的《威斯敏斯特法Ⅰ》〔Statute of Westminster Ⅰ〕第46章规定,当围篱或沟渠被损坏时,相邻村庄〔vill〕应负赔偿责任,如果他们无法指出任何嫌疑人,这一令状便会发给郡长作为赔偿损害程序的第一步。上述条款已为1826年的一项法令所取消。

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religion clause

Religion Clause. In the Bill of Rights, the provision stating that “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” U.S. Const. amend. I. • Some writers use the plural form, “Religion Clauses,” to mean both the Establishment Clause and the Free Exercise Clause, thus emphasizing the asserted

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family meeting

family meeting 〈美〉亲属会议 在路易斯安那州,指为帮助法院决定有关家庭成员事务而召集的咨议性陪审团〔advisory jury〕,它由至少5名未成年人的亲属(若无亲属,则由朋友替代)组成,就有关未成年人的监护、财产管理等问题向法院提出参考意见。该种「陪审团」与一般陪审团的不同,在于其成员与所考虑的事务之间会有偏见、偏私或感情牵连。它相当于法国民法典中的conseil de famille。

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