Search Results for: RULE, THE


waif, n. 1. An abandoned article whose owner is unknown, esp. something stolen and thrown away by the thief in flight, usu. through fear of apprehension. • At common law, if a waif, whether stolen or merely abandoned, was seized before the owner reclaimed it, the title vested in the Crown. The owner was thus […]

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meaning. The sense of anything, but esp. of words; that which is conveyed (or intended to be conveyed) by a written or oral statement or other communicative act. • The word ordinarily includes a mistaken but reasonable understanding of a communication. Cf. AMBIGUITY. objective meaning. The meaning that would be attributed to an unambiguous document

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regina (ri-jI-n[schwa]). (usu. cap.) 1. A queen. 2. The official title of a queen. 3. In a monarchy ruled by a queen, the prosecution side in criminal proceedings. — Abbr. R. Cf. REX.

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abandoned application

abandoned application. Patents & trademarks. An application removed from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office docket of pending applications because the applicant (or the applicant’s attorney or agent of record) filed an express notice of abandonment, failed to take appropriate action at some stage in the prosecution of a nonprovisional application within the time specified

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absolute novelty

Patents. The rule in most countries, but not in the United States, that an inventor must always file a patent application before the invention is publicly used, placed on sale, or disclosed. • Under U.S. law, an inventor is given a one-year grace period — beginning on the date of any public use, sale, offer

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maritime flavor

maritime flavor. The relation of a given case to shipping concerns. • This is a factor used in determining federal admiralty jurisdiction over a particular matter by analyzing whether the matter sufficiently relates to marine and shipping concerns and whether there is need for a federal response. [Cases: Admiralty 10(2), 17. C.J.S. Admiralty §§ 62–63.]

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