Search Results for: RULE, THE


frankmarriage. Hist. An entailed estate in which the donor retains control of the land by refusing to accept feudal services from the donee (usu. the donor’s daughter) for three generations. • If the donee’s issue fail in that time, the land returns to the donor. A donor who accepted homage (and the corresponding services arising […]

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side-bar n. 法庭旁厅 1在英国指旧时设于威斯敏斯特大厅内的一个场所,在开庭期内的每个早上,律师在这里向走向各自所属法庭的法官提出关于普通裁决〔common rule〕的申请,这些裁决被称为旁厅裁决〔side-bar rule〕,包括被告初次答辩的裁决〔rule to plead〕,原告初次答辩的裁决〔rule to reply〕,被告二次答辩的裁决〔rule to rejoin〕等。这些申请都是单方提出的,并且会当然得到许可。这一做法在1825年之前即已废止,普通裁决可从裁决办公室〔rule office〕获得,但它们仍被称作旁厅裁决。在爱丁堡议会大厦,苏格兰最高民事法院所在的地方,旧时也有一个法庭旁厅,该法院常任法官〔Lords Ordinary〕的公文在此宣读。2在美国,指法官席旁边的位置,律师可在此与法官交谈而不会让陪审团听到。该词也可以指法官与律师在此场所进行的交谈〔side-bar conference〕。

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controlled group

controlled group. Tax. Two or more corporations whose stock is substantially held by five or fewer persons. • The Internal Revenue Code subjects these entities (such as parent-subsidiary or brother-sister groups) to special rules for computing tax liability. — Also termed controlled corporate groups. IRC (26 USCA) §§ 851(c)(3), 1563(a). [Cases: Internal Revenue 3870–3880. C.J.S.

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question of law

question of law. 1. An issue to be decided by the judge, concerning the application or interpretation of the law (a jury cannot decide questions of law, which are reserved for the court). 2. A question that the law itself has authoritatively answered, so that the court may not answer it as a matter of

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deviation doctrine

deviation doctrine. 1. A principle allowing variation from a term of a will or trust to avoid defeating the document’s purpose. 2. A principle allowing an agent’s activity to vary slightly from the scope of the principal’s permission. 3. Maritime law. The rule that a carrier loses the benefit of its limitations and exemptions under

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ripeness doctrine

ripeness doctrine 〈美〉成熟原则 该原则要求呈交联邦法院的案件必须是现存的实际争议,法院不受理仅是假设性或推测性的问题。因而,每一个案件中其法定权益相冲突的当事人之间是否存在实质争议〔substantial controversy〕,具有充分的紧迫性〔immediacy〕和现实性以促进法院作出确认判决〔declaratory judgment〕,是很重要的问题。在司法审查中,成熟原则指除非争议的行政行为已发展成熟到适合作出司法裁决的阶段,法院不愿给予确认判决和禁制令的救济手段〔injunctive remedy〕,这一原则存在的基本理由在于避免法院过早进行裁判,陷入抽像的行政政策争论,同时也保护行政机关在最后决定作出之前及行政行为对当事人发生具体影响之前,免受法院干涉。法院判定行政争议已成熟到可以进行司法审查的标准有二:一是问题适于法院裁判,二是推迟审查将对当事人造成困难。(→case; final decision rule; justiciable controversy; standing)

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