Search Results for: CHANCER


Lancaster 〈英〉兰开斯特巴拉丁领地 爱德华三世时,兰开斯特郡被封为巴拉丁〔palatine〕领地,并授予其子约翰终身保有。在领地内,他可享有与王权相类似的权力,如赦免叛逆,放逐罪犯,任命治安法官和陪审法官,一切诉讼文书均以他的名义签发,并有一个独立的衡平法庭。现在这些权力均已收归国王。 (→Chancery Court of County Palatine of Lancaster; County Palatine; duchy court of Lancaster; duchy of Lancaster; herald)

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boltings n. 〈英〉案例讨论 指以前在英国的四大律师公会〔Inns of Court〕和预备律师公会〔Inns of Chancery〕中,为教学目的,由出庭律师和学生在由一名律师公会主管〔bencher〕和两名出庭律师组成的法庭面前对案件进行的辩论,与模拟审判〔moots〕不同,案例讨论是不公开进行的。这种教学方法早已被废弃。

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significavit (sig-ni-fi-kay-vit), n. [Latin “he has signified”] Eccles. law. 1. A bishop’s certificate that a person has been in a state of excommunication for more than 40 days. 2. A notice to the Crown in chancery, based on the bishop’s certificate, whereby a writ de contumace capiendo (or, earlier, a writ de excommunicato capiendo) would

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liberate (lib-[schwa]-ray-tee), n. [Law Latin] Hist. 1. A chancery writ to the Exchequer ordering the payment of an annual pension or other sum. 2. A writ to the sheriff authorizing delivery of any property given as bond and then taken when a defendant forfeited a recognizance. 3. A writ to a jailer ordering delivery of

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