Search Results for: CHANCER

Master of the Rolls

Master of the Rolls 〈英〉掌卷法官;上诉法院民事庭庭长该职位原先起源于督导抄写员抄写御前大臣卷宗的文秘署职员,在中世纪,这一职位又称卷宗主事〔Clerk or Curator of the Rolls〕,是文秘署事务官〔Master in Chancery〕的首领;并协助御前大臣工作。随着衡平法院司法管辖权的扩展,其事务官的司法职责增加,其中很大一部分就由卷宗主事担当,16世纪中期他有时也被称作副御前大臣〔vice-chancellor〕,并经特别授权可享有某些司法管辖权;17世纪早期他在御前大臣缺席的情况下可以听审某些案件,并成为御前大臣的常任代理。1729年,有法令规定卷宗主事发布的命令应有效,但对此不服可向御前大臣上诉,此后他就正式成为了衡平法院的法官。1833年,其司法管辖权有所扩展,经法令规定,衡平法院法官长年开庭,不服其命令在1851年前可向御前大臣、1851年后向衡平法院上诉庭上诉;他也可以并经常出席衡平法院上诉庭。1875年始,他一直担任上诉法院院长〔president of the Court of Appeal〕,1958年前他还全面负责保管公共档案,1958年后此职责转归御前大臣,但他仍在担负着英格兰衡平法庭的档案保管工作。他的另一项职责是接受某人为最高法院事务律师。

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original writ

original writ 起始令状;开始令状;初始令状 该令状的含义是指普通法上不动产诉讼的开始或根据。它主要不是主张管辖权,而是以国王命令的形式授予法官审理令状中所包含的事由的权力。这种令状一般采用文秘署〔Chancery〕命令函的形式签发给郡长,而且以君主的名义,加盖国玺。1873年以后,该令状不再使用。所有的诉讼都由传唤令〔writ of summons〕开始。

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gradus (gray-d[schwa]s), n. [Latin “step”] 1. Roman law. A step or degree in the familial relationship. • The term identified a position in the order of succession under a will. 2. Hist. A degree, rank, or grade; specif., the rank of a master-in-chancery or a serjeant-at-law.

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Court of Arches

Eccles. law. The ecclesiastical court of the province of Canterbury, responsible for appeals from provincial diocesan courts. • The Pope heard appeals from the Court of Arches until the break with Rome prompted a transfer of the appellate jurisdiction to the Court of Delegates. The Judicial Committee of the Privy Council now hears certain appeals

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Court of Conscience

Court of Conscience 〈英〉良心裁判法庭 又称小额债务索赔法庭〔court of request〕,是依据议会法在伦敦以及其它城市建立的。1517年建立于伦敦,由2名高级市政官〔alderman〕和4名——后来为12名——市政务委员〔common councilmen〕组成,处理市民之间的小额债务纠纷。依简易程序审理,由双方当事人及证人宣誓,并由法庭作出符合公平理念和正直人良心的裁判。1847年取消,被并入属于郡法庭系统的伦敦城区郡长亲审法庭〔Sheriff’s Court of the City of London〕。也指各种团体〔corporation〕的成员为追回债务而成立的法庭。此外,良心裁判法庭也被用来描述御前大臣法庭〔Court of Chancery〕或衡平法院〔court of equity〕。

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ward. 1. A person, usu. a minor, who is under a guardian’s charge or protection. See GUARDIAN(1). [Cases: Guardian and Ward 1, 9. 5.] permanent ward. A ward who has been assigned a permanent guardian, the rights of the natural parents having been terminated by a juvenile court. [Cases: Guardian and Ward 9.5; Infants 155.]

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formulary. 1. Hist. A collection of the forms of proceedings (formulae) used in litigation, such as the writ forms kept by the Chancery. See WRIT SYSTEM. 2. A list of drugs that Medicare or a health-maintenance organization will pay for.

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inn of court

Inn of Court. 1. Any of four autonomous institutions, one or more of which English barristers must join to receive their training and of which they remain members for life: The Honourable Societies of Lincoln’s Inn, the Middle Temple, the Inner Temple, and Gray’s Inn. • These powerful bodies examine candidates for the Bar, “call”

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