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sedition, n. 1. An agreement, communication, or other preliminary activity aimed at inciting treason or some lesser commotion against public authority. 2. Advocacy aimed at inciting or producing — and likely to incite or produce — imminent lawless action. • At common law, sedition included defaming a member of the royal family or the government. […]

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notice of intention to move for a new trial

notice of intention to move for a new trial 〈美〉意图申请重审的通知 根据某些州法的规定,申请重审的当事人应当给予对方当事人的通知,以说明申请重审的法律根据及提出申请的方式,后者可以为宣誓书〔affidavit〕、法庭备忘录〔minutes〕、异议书〔bill of exceptions〕或案情陈述〔statement of case〕。

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banker’s acceptance

A bill of exchange drawn on and accepted by a commercial bank. • Banker’s acceptances are often issued to finance the sale of goods in international trade. — Abbr. BA. — Also termed bank acceptance. [Cases: Banks and Banking 189; Bills and Notes 151. C.J.S. Banks and Banking §§ 452–458; Bills and Notes; Letters of

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falcidian law

Falcidian law (fal-sid-ee-[schwa]n).Roman law. A law prescribing that one could give no more than three-fourths of one’s property in legacies and that the heirs should receive at least one-fourth (the Falcidian portion). • If the testator violated this law, the heir had the right to deduct proportionally from each legatee as necessary. The law, proposed

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freedom of speech, expression and the press

freedom of speech, expression and the press 言论、表达和出版自由 最重要的公民自由或权利〔civil liberties or rights〕之一。它指公民在任何问题上均有以口头、书面或印刷以及其他手段进行交流的自由。它和思想、道德及宗教自由联系在一起,因为如果没有表达思想的机会,持有思想的自由就会失去意义。它也与集会自由〔freedom of assembly〕相联系,集会自由允许多人聚集在一起行使其结社和言论自由权。对言论、表达和出版自由较为充分的重视始于资产阶级革命时期。17世纪为言论自由辩护的斗士有约翰·弥尔顿〔John Milton〕、约翰·洛克〔John Locke〕和荷兰哲学家斯宾诺莎〔Spinoza〕。此后,最着名的代表人物有伏尔泰〔Voltaire〕、托马斯·潘恩〔Thomas Paine〕和19世纪的穆勒〔John Stuart Mill〕。要求言论自由成为启蒙运动的特征,在大革命时期的法国,人们获得了比以前更大的言论自由。托马斯·杰斐逊〔Thomas Jefferson〕、詹姆斯·麦迪逊〔James Madison〕和其他一些美国宪法之父都是深受启蒙运动熏陶的新一代。美国宪法第一条修正案规定「国会不得制定关于下列事项的法律:确立国教或禁止宗教活动自由;限制言论自由或出版自由;或剥夺人民和平集会和向政府请愿申冤的权利。」作为《权利法案》〔Bill of Rights〕的第一条,这个「第一」本身即象征着上述自由在自由中的首要地位。1925年美国最终确认宪法第一条修正案所规定的严禁联邦政府限制和剥夺言论自由,也同样适用于州政府。在20世纪,表达自由所达到的程度因国家不同而有所差异,在民主国家,表达自由一般达到较高的程度,确实被视为既是先决条件又是目标本身。第二次世界大战以来,人们始终在寻求对表达自由的国际保障。联合国在1948年的《世界人权宣言》〔Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948)〕中宣布「每个人都有思想和自由表达的权利」。

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