Search Results for: WIFE


dos (dos), n. [Latin] 1. Roman law. Dowry. “Dos was a gift made to the husband on the part of the wife as her contribution towards the expenses of the joint establishment. It was made by the wife or by another person on her behalf, usually before marriage and conditionally on the marriage taking place; […]

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battered woman syndrome

battered woman syndrome 受虐待妇女综合症 妇女因受到配偶或情人在身体、性或情感方面的虐待而致的一种病理和心理状态。这种综合症有时被用作辩护理由,证明其杀死某一男子系出于正当理由。该词在狭义上用作「受虐待妻子综合症」〔battered-wife syndrome〕,在广义上用作「受虐待配偶综合症」〔battered-spouse syndrome〕。

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maritagium (mar-[schwa]-tay-jee-[schwa]m), n. [Law Latin] Hist. 1. A lord’s right to arrange a marriage for his infant ward; specif., the power of a feudal lord to give his infant ward or a vassal’s heiress, minor heir, or widow in marriage, or to extract a fine from a vassal upon the vassal’s marriage. 2. Hist. The

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affinity ([schwa]-fin-[schwa]-tee). 1. A close agreement. 2. The relation that one spouse has to the blood relatives of the other spouse; relationship by marriage. 3. Any familial relation resulting from a marriage. Cf. CONSANGUINITY. See relative by affinity under RELATIVE. Cf. AFFINITAS AFFINITATIS ; CONSAN-GUINITY. [Cases: Marriage 10. C.J.S. Marriage § 17.] “There is no

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praepositura (pri-poz-[schwa]-t[y]uur-[schwa]), n. [Latin “management” or “supervisory office”] Hist. 1. One to whom management duties are delegated. 2. The area of responsibility delegated to a person to manage, esp. a wife’s authority to manage the household.

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dame. 1. The legal title of the wife of a knight or baronet. 2. The female equivalent of a knight. 3. A form of address to a woman of high rank. 4. A matron. 5. Slang. A woman. — Also termed (in senses 1 & 2) domina.

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emploi (om-plwah), n. [French] French law. Equitable conversion. • When property covered by the régime dotal is sold, the purchaser must ensure that the sale proceeds are reinvested for the wife’s benefit. See régime dotal under REGIME.

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estate by entirety

A common-law estate in which each spouse is seised of the whole of the property. • An estate by entirety is based on the legal fiction that a husband and wife are a single unit. The estate consists of five unities: time, title, interest, possession, and marriage. The last of these unities distinguishes the estate

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