Search Results for: CAST


eject, vb. 1. To cast or throw out. 2. To oust or dispossess; to put or turn out of possession. 3. To expel or thrust out forcibly (e.g., disorderly patrons). — ejector, vb.

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wreck, n. 1. SHIPWRECK. 2. Goods cast ashore from a wrecked vessel and not claimed by the owner within a specified period (such as one year).

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poll, n. 1. A sampling of opinions on a given topic, conducted randomly or obtained from a specified group. 2. The act or process of voting at an election. 3. The result of the counting of votes. 4. (usu. pl.) The place where votes are cast. poll, vb. 1. To ask how each member of

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derelict (der-[schwa]-likt), adj. 1. Forsaken; abandoned; cast away (derelict property). See quasi-derelict under DERELICT. 2. Lacking a sense of duty; in breach of a legal or moral obligation (the managers were derelict in their duties). derelict, n. 1. Personal property abandoned or thrown away by the owner with no intent to claim it any longer,

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Ordinance of Alcala

Ordinance of Alcala 〈西〉《城堡法令》 1348年由阿方索十一世〔Alfonso □〕制定,它赋予了《七章法典》〔Siete Partidas〕法律效力,形成了卡斯蒂里亚法律渊源〔Sources of Castilian law〕的等级,即议会〔Cortes〕制定法,王室法〔Fuero Real〕,市政法〔municipal fueros〕和《七章法典》。该法令同时确认了城邦特权〔fueros〕和贵族的特权〔privileges of nobility〕。 (→Codigo de las Siete Partidas; Fuero Real)

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emptio (emp-shee-oh), n. [Latin “purchase”] Roman & civil law. The act of buying; a purchase. — Also spelled emtio. Pl. emptiones. emptio bonorum (b[schwa]-nor-[schwa]m). [Latin “purchase of goods”] A type of forced assignment for the benefit of creditors, involving a public sale of an insolvent debtor’s estate whereby the purchaser succeeded to all the debtor’s

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