Search Results for: GREE

farmout agreement

farmout agreement. Oil & gas. An agreement by which one who owns an oil-and-gas lease (the farmoutor or farmor) agrees to assign to another (the farmoutee or farmee) an interest in the lease in return for drilling and testing operations on the lease. • For the farmor, the agreement either (1) maintains the lease by […]

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Lambeth degree

Lambeth degree 〈英〉(古)兰贝斯学位 指坎特伯雷大主教根据1534年的制定法授予的学位,包括艺术、神学、法律和医学专业。被授予学位者不一定要经过考试,可穿着授予学位的大主教所属的大学(牛津或剑桥)的学位礼袍。被授予兰贝斯医学学位并不立即能使该人有登记开业行医的资格,冒称已登记或已被承认为医生是犯罪行为。此种学位的授予有损于牛津大学和剑桥大学。

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second-degree murder

second-degree murder 〈美〉二级谋杀罪 大多数州把谋杀罪分为两级,个别州不分等级或分为三级。凡对谋杀罪划分为两个等级的刑法,二级谋杀罪的范围就是「除一级谋杀罪以外的其他谋杀罪」。具体包括:1无预谋的目的谋杀;2全部故意重伤谋杀,不论故意重伤是否有预谋;3全部极端轻率谋杀;4一级谋杀罪列举的重罪以外的重罪-谋杀。对二级谋杀罪通常处以终身监禁。 (=murder in the second degree)

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degree of crime

degree of crime. 1. A division or classification of a single crime into several grades of guilt, according to the circumstances surrounding the crime’s commission, such as aggravating factors present or the type of injury suffered. [Cases: Criminal Law 28. C.J.S. Criminal Law §§ 9, 13.] 2. A division of crimes generally, such as felonies

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