Search Results for: DISPUTE

collective bargaining

collective bargaining 劳资谈判;集体谈判 指由僱员团体组织与僱主协会之间以协商方式确定僱佣条款与条件的行为及其过程。根据美国《国家劳资关系法》〔National Labor Relations Act〕的规定,它是僱主与工会代表双方就工资、工时及其他工作条件等寻求达成集体合同的程序。因此,为保持僱佣关系的稳定,排除劳动力交易的障碍,要求谈判双方开诚布公、真诚勤勉地达成协议,但在实际谈判过程中,往往包含着明示或默示的罢工威胁。它与僱员单个谈判〔individual bargaining〕相对。 (→area bargaining; labor dispute)

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inducement of breach of contract

inducement of breach of contract 劝诱违反合同;诱使违约 某人无正当理由劝诱他人违反其已与第三人订立的合同,如证实导致损害则属可诉之侵权行为。但是,根据英国1974年《工会与劳资关系法》〔Trade Union and Labour Relations Acts〕,某人意图对劳资争议〔trade dispute〕施加压力而实施下列行为的,不构成可诉之侵权行为:1劝诱他人违反合同,或干预、劝诱任何其他人干涉合同的履行;2威胁其将破坏合同(不论其是否为该合同当事人)或干涉合同的履行,或其将劝诱他人破坏合同或干涉合同的履行。英国1894年《商船法》〔Merchant Shipping Act〕对劝诱海员抛船的违约行为也作了规定。

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compromis (kom-pr[schwa]-mee). [French] Int’l law. An agreement between two or more countries to submit an existing dispute to the jurisdiction of an arbitrator, an arbitral tribunal, or an international court. See compro-missory arbitration under ARBITRATION. ad hoc compromis (ad hok kom-pr[schwa]-mee). An agreement in which countries submit a particular dispute that has arisen between them

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acp challenge

ACP challenge. Trademarks. An administrative procedure to settle disputes over Internet domain names, con-ducted by an Administrative Domain-Name Challenge Panel (ACP) under the auspices of the World Intellectual Property Organization and in accordance with the WIPO (Revised) Substantive Guidelines. • The guidelines are viewable at

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nomen transcripticium

nomen transcripticium (noh-men tran-skrip-tish-ee-[schwa]m). [Latin “entry (in an account) transferred”] Roman law. A creditor’s entry of a money debt into a new account (expensilatio) after closing another account, thereby creating, with the debtor’s permission, a literal contract from an existing obligation, which may or may not have been enforceable. Pl. nomina transcripticia. “The subject will,

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cyberlaw (sI-b[schwa]r-law). The field of law dealing with the Internet, encompassing cases, statutes, regu-lations, and disputes that affect people and businesses interacting through computers. • Cyberlaw addresses issues of online speech and business because of the nature of the medium, including intellectual-property rights, free speech, privacy, e-commerce, and safety, as well as questions of jurisdiction.

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