Search Results for: DISPUTE

equal employment opportunity commission

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. An independent federal commission that investigates claims of employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, or age and enforces antidiscrimination statutes through lawsuits. • It was created by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The EEOC encourages mediation and other nonlitigious means of resolving employment […]

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compel, vb. 1. To cause or bring about by force, threats, or overwhelming pressure (a lawyer cannot be compelled to testify about a privileged communication). 2. (Of a legislative mandate or judicial precedent) to convince (a court) that there is only one possible resolution of a legal dispute (the wording of the statute compels us

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stipulatio juris

stipulatio juris (stip-y[schwa]-lay-shee-oh joor-is). [Latin “stipulatio as to the law”] The parties’ agreement on a question of law or its applicability. • The court is not bound to accept the stipulation if it is erroneous. But the parties are allowed to stipulate the law to be applied to a dispute.

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affecting commerce

affecting commerce. (Of an industry, activity, etc.) touching or concerning business, industry, or trade; esp., under the Labor–Management Relations Act, burdening or obstructing commerce, or having led or tending to lead to a labor dispute that burdens or obstructs the free flow of commerce. 29 USCA § 152(7).

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preventive law

preventive law. A practice of law that seeks to minimize a client’s risk of litigation or secure more certainty with regard to the client’s legal rights and duties. • Emphasizing planning, counseling, and the nonadversarial resolution of disputes, preventive law focuses on the lawyer’s role as adviser and negotiator.

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fail, n. A transaction between securities brokers in which delivery and payment do not occur at the prescribed time, usu. on the settlement date. — Also termed fail contract. fail to deliver. The nondelivery of securities from a selling broker to a buying broker by the settlement date. fail to receive. The failure of a

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transaction, n. 1. The act or an instance of conducting business or other dealings; esp., the formation, performance, or discharge of a contract. 2. Something performed or carried out; a business agreement or exchange. 3. Any activity involving two or more persons. 4. Civil law. An agreement that is intended by the parties to prevent

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