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right of publicity

right of publicity. The right to control the use of one’s own name, picture, or likeness and to prevent another from using it for commercial benefit without one’s consent. [Cases: Torts 8.5(6). C.J.S. Right of Privacy and Publicity §§ 9–16, 40–43, 45.] “The right of publicity is a state-law created intellectual property right whose infringement […]

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breaking bulk

breaking bulk, n. 1. The act of dividing a large shipment into smaller units. 2. Larceny by a bailee, esp. a carrier, who opens containers, removes items from them, and converts the items to personal use. — Also termed breaking bale. [Cases: Larceny 15. C.J.S. Larceny §§ 30–32, 45–48.] — break bulk, vb.

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desertion n. (1)抛弃;遗弃 指在公共社会或家庭生活中,无正当理由或未经合法授权而逃避其职责或义务的行为。在收养法中,若生父母故意遗弃子女,表明其已放弃对子女的权利和义务,则对该子女的收养无须其生父母的同意。在离婚法中,它是离婚的基础,是指夫妻任何一方在事实上的遗弃或分居,拒绝履行夫妻之间的义务,并且在主观上是彻底遗弃而无恢复夫妻关系的愿望。作为离婚要件的遗弃,在构成要件上还要求是故意,并且没有正当理由或经被遗弃一方的同意。根据英国1973年《婚姻诉因法》〔Matrimonial Cause Act〕,在提出离婚诉讼前持续遗弃2年以上的,构成证明该婚姻已经彻底破裂的事实。 (→abandonment;desertion and nonsupport;nonsupport;constructive desertion) (2)擅离职守 在海商法上,指船员在航期内,未经请假而擅自离开航行船舶,它不仅指未经许可而离开船舶的行为,而且在主观上有不想再回到其岗位的目的,即通常表述为有擅离职守的故意〔animo non revertendi〕。根据英国1894年《商业航运法》〔Merchant Shipping Act〕,擅离商船者构成犯罪。在军法上,根据美国《军事司法法典》〔Code of Military Justice〕的规定,武装部队的任何成员有下列行为之一者构成擅离军职罪:1未经授权而离开其编制、组织或岗位并有永久脱离的故意;2为逃避危险任务或重要使命而离开其编制、组织或岗位;3尚未永久脱离本武装部队而又参加或受命于另一武装部队,并且未充分透露其尚未永久脱离原武装部队这一事实;或加入外国武装,但经合众国授权许可的除外。根据英国1955年《陆军法》〔Army Act〕、1955年《空军法》〔Air Force Act〕、1957年《海军纪律法》〔Naval Discipline Act〕等,擅离军职的均构成犯罪。 (3)遗弃罪 夫妻一方在另一方患有疾病或经济困难时,无正当理由而遗弃配偶或故意怠于提供照料、保护或扶养,构成遗弃罪。

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vestita viro

vestita viro (ves-tI-t[schwa] vI-roh). [Law Latin] Hist. Clothed with a husband. “A married woman is said to be vestita viro, and so long as this coverture exists her person cannot be attached on civil diligence, unless that diligence proceeds upon a decree ad factum praestandum, for the performance of some act which she is bound

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