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retail, n. The sale of goods or commodities to ultimate consumers, as opposed to the sale for further distribution or processing. — retail, adj. Cf. WHOLESALE. — retail, vb.

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lex commissoria

lex commissoria (leks kom-i-sor-ee-a). [Latin “forfeiture clause” or “cancellation clause”] Roman law. 1. A term in a contract of sale allowing the seller to rescind the sale if the price was not paid by the agreed time. 2. A clause by which, in a pledge agreement, a debtor and creditor could agree that if the

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resale, n. 1. The act of selling goods or property — previously sold to a buyer who breached the sales contract — to someone else. UCC § 2-706. [Cases: Sales 332–339. C.J.S. Sales §§ 344–347.] 2. A retailer’s selling of goods, previously purchased from a manufacturer or wholesaler, usu. to consumers or to someone else

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surcharge, n. 1. An additional tax, charge, or cost, usu. one that is excessive. 2. An additional load or burden. 3. A second or further mortgage. 4. The omission of a proper credit on an account. 5. The amount that a court may charge a fiduciary that has breached its duty. 6. An overprint on

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note verbal

note verbal (noht v[schwa]r-b[schwa]l).Int’l law. An unsigned diplomatic note, usu. written in the third person, that sometimes accompanies a diplomatic message or note of protest to further explain the country’s position or to request certain action. — Also spelled note verbale (vair-bahl).

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domesday book

Domesday Book (doomz-day). The census or survey, ordered by William the Conqueror and substantially completed in 1086, of England’s landholdings, buildings, people, and livestock. — Abbr. D.B. — Also spelled Doomsday Book. “Domesday Book had several variant names — Liber de Wintonia, Rotulus Wintoniae, Scriptura Thesauri Regis, Liber Regis, Liber Judiciarius, Censualis Angliae, Angliae Notitia

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restraining order

restraining order. 1. A court order prohibiting family violence; esp., an order restricting a person from harassing, threatening, and sometimes merely contacting or approaching another specified person. • This type of order is issued most commonly in cases of domestic violence. A court may grant an ex parte restraining order in a family-violence case if

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