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affix ([schwa]-fiks), vb. 1. To attach, add to, or fasten on permanently. See FIXTURE. 2. Trademarks. To attach, physically or functionally, a trademark or servicemark to the goods or services it represents. • A mark must be affixed to show that it is used in trade. If physical attachment is impossible or impracticable, the mark

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domus conversorum

domus conversorum (doh-m[schwa]s kon-v[schwa]r-sor-[schwa]m), n. [Law Latin “house of the converts”] Hist. An institution, established by Henry III for converted Jews, that continued until Edward III expelled Jews from the kingdom and converted the institution to a chancery record office.

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integration n. (1)结合;综合;整合 使组合为一个整体的过程。 (2)种族融合;取消种族隔离 主要用于美国,指为消除历史上的种族隔离〔racial discrimination〕影响而使不同种族相互存在于同一机构,诸如公安学校。 (3)(合同法)合同的完整文本;合同的完整性 指对当事人合意的充分表述,从而优先于当事人在此前达成的合意。其法律效果在于,任何一方当事人在此后不得与此合同条款相冲突或有所增益,亦作「merger」。 (4)合并 在反托拉斯法中,指某一公司通过进入其自行开拓的市场,或者通过收购其他在次级市场中从事经营的公司,或者通过与其他在次级市场中从事经营的其他公司签订合同等方式而达到在公开市场上进行操纵之目的。亦作垂直合并〔vertical integration〕。 (5)(证券法)证券合并 指在某一时期内把所有证券的发行视为一次发行而所需的条件,意在避免登记。在美国,证券交易委员会与法院在决定多次证券交易是否属于证券的同一次发行时确立了五项标准:1是否属于同一项融资计划;2是否涉及相同种类证券的发行;3是否在(大约)相同时期作出发行;4是否收到相同种类的对价;5是否为相同的总的目的而作出发行。 (→parol evidence rule; merger)

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melson formula

Melson formula. Family law. A method of calculating a noncustodial parent’s child-support obligation to ensure that (1) neither parent falls below the poverty level in meeting child-support obligations, and (2) a child of a wealthier noncustodial parent shares in that parent’s higher standard of living. • Named for Judge Elwood F. Melson of Delaware Family

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abbreviator. 1. One who abbreviates, abridges, or shortens. 2. Eccles. law. An officer in the court of Rome ap-pointed as assistant to the vice-chancellor for drawing up the Pope’s briefs and reducing petitions, when granted, into proper form to be converted into papal bulls.

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