Search Results for: COURT SYSTEM

change of venue

change of venue. The transfer of a case from one locale to another court in the same judicial system to cure a defect in venue, either to minimize the prejudicial impact of local sentiment or to secure a more sensible location for trial. — Also termed transfer of venue. See VENUE. [Cases: Venue 34–84. C.J.S.

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local law theory

local-law theory. Conflict of laws. The view that, although a court of the forum recognizes and enforces a local right (that is, one created under its own law), in a foreign-element case it does not necessarily apply the rule that would govern an analogous case of a purely domestic character, but instead takes into account

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postea (poh-stee-[schwa]), n. [Latin “afterwards”] Hist. A formal statement, endorsed on the trial record, giving an account of the proceedings at trial; a record of what occurred at nisi prius after the issue had been joined. “With the verdict of the jury [in the 15th–18th centuries] … the proceedings at nisi prius closed, and the

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reporter. 1. A person responsible for making and publishing a report; esp., a lawyer-consultant who prepares drafts of official or semi-official writings such as court rules or Restatements (the reporter to the Advisory Committee on Bankruptcy Rules explained the various amendments). [Cases: Reports 3. C.J.S. Reports §§ 10–13.] 2. REPORTER OF DECISIONS. 3. REPORT (3)

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