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examination. 1. The questioning of a witness under oath. See DIRECT EXAMINATION ; CROSS-EXAMINATION. [Cases: Witnesses 224–228. C.J.S. Witnesses §§ 390–394, 396–398, 404–405.] 2. Bankruptcy. The questioning of a debtor, esp. at the first meeting of creditors, concerning such matters as the bankrupt’s debts and assets. [Cases: Bankruptcy 3040. C.J.S. Bankruptcy § 204.] 3. An

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enlarger l’estate

enlarger l’estate (en-lahr-j[schwa]r l[schwa]-stayt). [Law French] Hist. A release that enlarges an estate and consists of a conveyance of the ulterior interest to the tenant. • If an estate was held by a tenant for life or years, with the remainder to another in fee, and if the one in remainder released all rights to

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limit v. (1)限制 (2)减少 (3)限定;规定(范围) 如「to limit an estate」指限定财产权的有效期限,契据中以此目的使用的词语称作「限定词」〔words of limitation〕,例:在转让土地「给甲及其继承人」〔to A and his heirs〕的条款中,「及其继承人」是限定词,表明甲作为购买人的财产权益范围。 n. (4)界限;界线;边线 (5)限制;限度;极限 (6)(权力、权利、权限的)范围

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delator (di-lay-t[schwa]r), n. [Latin] Roman law. 1. An informer. 2. An accuser; esp., a person who made a practice of informing on and prosecuting others, esp. for fiscal offenses. • This was at first encouraged, but later the informer became subject to the death penalty. Pl. delatores.

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actuarial method

actuarial method. A means of determining the amount of interest on a loan by using the loan’s annual percentage rate to separately calculate the finance charge for each payment period, after crediting each payment, which is credited first to interest and then to principal. [Cases: Interest 59. C.J.S. Interest and Usury; Consumer Credit § 74.]

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ante omnia

ante omnia (an-tee ahm-nee-[schwa]). [Latin] Hist. 1. Before anything else is done; first of all. • Objections that could bar the litigation were usu. discussed ante omnia. 2. Above all other things.

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