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anticipatory filing

anticipatory filing. The bringing of a lawsuit or regulatory action against another with the expectation that the other party is preparing an action of its own. • If properly brought, an anticipatory filing may determine procedural matters such as jurisdiction and venue. See FIRST-TO-FILE RULE; RACE TO THE COURTHOUSE.

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corporate domicile

The place considered by law as the center of corporate affairs, where the corporation’s functions are discharged; the legal home of a corporation, usu. its state of incorporation or the state in which it maintains its principal place of business. • For purposes of determining whether diversity jurisdiction exists in federal court, a corporation is

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finesur cognizance de droit come ceo que il ad de son done

fine sur cognizance de droit, come ceo que il ad de son done (fIn s[schwa]r kon-[schwa]-z[schwa]nts d[schwa] droyt, kom say-oh kweel ad d[schwa]sawni dawin). [Law French “a fine upon acknowledgment of the right, as that which he has of his gift”] Hist. The most common fine of conveyance, by which the defendant (also called the

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memorandum clause

memorandum clause. A marine-insurance clause protecting underwriters from liability for injury to goods that are particularly perishable, or for minor damages. [Cases: Insurance 2235, 2241. C.J.S. Insurance §§ 1195–1196, 1199–1203, 1208, 1211–1214, 1216–1217.] “This clause was first introduced into the English [marine-insurance] policies about the year 1749. Before that time the insurer was liable for

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moot court

moot court. 1. A fictitious court held usu. in law schools to argue moot or hypothetical cases, esp. at the appellate level. 2. A practice session for an appellate argument in which a lawyer presents the argument to other lawyers, who first act as judges by asking questions and who later provide criticism on the

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advance sheets

advance sheets. A softcover pamphlet containing recently reported opinions by a court or set of courts. • Advance sheets are published during the interim between an opinion’s announcement and its inclusion in a bound volume of law reports. Cf. slip opinion (1) under OPINION; REPORT(3). [Cases: Courts 103; Reports 1. C.J.S. Courts §§ 170, 173–174,

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common law copyright

A property right that arose when the work was created, rather than when it was published. • Under the Copyright Act of 1976, which was effective on January 1, 1978, common-law copyright was largely abolished for works created after the statute’s effective date. But the statute retained the common law’s recognition that the property right

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