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lenient test

lenient test. The principle that the attorney–client privilege applicable to a document or other communication will be waived only by a knowing or intentional disclosure, and will not usu. be waived by an inadvertent disclosure. Cf. STRICT TEST; HYDRAFLOW TEST. [Cases: Witnesses 219(3).]

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use in commerce

use in commerce. Trademarks. Actual use of a trademark in the sale of goods or services. • Use of a trademark in commerce is a prerequisite to trademark registration. This type of use fixes the trademark in a way that associates it with marketed goods or services, as contrasted with a token use intended to

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legal fiction

legal fiction. An assumption that something is true even though it may be untrue, made esp. in judicial reasoning to alter how a legal rule operates; specif., a device by which a legal rule or institution is diverted from its original purpose to accomplish indirectly some other object. • The constructive trust is an example

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liquidity. 1. The quality or state of being readily convertible to cash. 2. Securities. The characteristic of having enough units in the market that large transactions can occur without substantial price variations. • Most stocks traded on the New York Stock Exchange, for example, have liquidity.

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arbitrage (ahr-b[schwa]-trahzh), n. The simultaneous buying and selling of identical securities in different markets, with the hope of profiting from the price difference in those markets. — Also termed space arbitrage. [Cases: Securities Regulation 53.17(4). C.J.S. Securities Regulation § 153.] — arbitrager (ahr-b[schwa]-trazh-[schwa]r), arbitrageur (ahr-b[schwa]-trah-zh[schwa]r), n. covered-interest arbitrage. The simultaneous investment in a currency and

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reverse confusion

Confusion occurring when consumers are likely to believe mistakenly — usu. through wide-spread advertising and promotion by the infringing company — that the trademark owner’s products are actually those of the infringer. • Reverse confusion often injures the owner’s reputation and goodwill. In an action for reverse confusion, the trademark owner is typically the smaller

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federal, adj. Of or relating to a system of associated governments with a vertical division of governments into national and regional components having different responsibilities; esp., of or relating to the national government of the United States. — Abbr. Fed.

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