Search Results for: RULE, THE

McNabb-Mallory rule

McNabb-Mallory rule 〈美〉麦克纳布-马洛里规则 因1943年的麦克纳布诉美国〔McNabb v. United States〕和1957年的马洛里诉美国〔Mallory v. United States〕案件而确立的一项刑事诉讼规则,指如果对犯罪嫌疑人在逮捕后至预审前的羁押超过合理期间,则在此期间获得的犯罪嫌疑人的有罪供述不可采信。由于米兰达规则〔Miranda rule〕可以提供广泛的保护,因此该规则在现在的案件中很少使用。常简称为「马洛里规则」〔Mallory rule〕。

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absolute bar rule

absolute-bar rule. The principle that, when a creditor sells collateral without giving reasonable notice to the debtor, the creditor may not obtain a deficiency judgment for any amount of the debt that is not satisfied by the sale. [Cases: Mortgages 375, 559(3); Secured Transactions 230, 240. C.J.S. Mortgages §§ 674–676, 934–935, 937, 950; Secured Transactions

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safe investment rule

safe investment rule 〈美〉可靠投资规则 用于估算死者可望获得的未来收益之现值的规则。根据这种规则,陪审团在确定死者预期收益的现值时,应当采用其经过审慎考虑后认为在具体情境中是合理、公平和正当的利率。在确定此利率时,需要考虑的因素有:呈堂出示的证据、陪审团所知的在该地区法律规定的限度内的通行利率,以及一个保持通常的审慎、但并不具备特定财经经验或技巧的人在可靠投资中所能期待的利率。 (→prudent investment theory)

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two dismissal rule

two-dismissal rule. The rule that a notice of voluntary dismissal operates as an adjudication on the merits — not merely as a dismissal without prejudice — when filed by a plaintiff who has already dismissed the same claim in another court. [Cases: Federal Civil Procedure 1714; Pretrial Procedure 519. C.J.S. Dismissal and Nonsuit § 13.]

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cannon rule

cannon rule 〈美〉加农规则 如果外国或外州公司购买或拥有内国或内州的公司股票,甚至拥有控股权,此项购买或拥有并不能被认为该外国或外州母公司从事经营的业务足以使它必须接受在子公司所在地发送的法院传票。

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enrolled bill rule

enrolled bill rule 〈美〉已归档的法案规则 依此规则,凡已交存州务卿或国务卿〔Secretary of State〕的法案,应认为绝对真实可靠,其内容与立法机关原本通过的内容无异。法院不得凌驾其上,无权判定法案内容的真实性以及法案表达是否符合成文法规定。该原则同样适合这样的情况:在选举是否符合成文法仍存在争议的时候,一旦被法律批准且举行,那么就不能再对投票的步骤或法定程序提出异议。

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