Search Results for: RULE, THE

occurrence rule

occurrence rule. Civil procedure. The rule that a limitations period begins to run when the alleged wrongful act or omission occurs, rather than when the plaintiff discovers the injury. • This rule applies, for example, to most breach-of-contract claims. See STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS. Cf. DISCOVERY RULE. [Cases: Limitation of Actions 43. C.J.S. Limitations of Actions […]

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rule to compute

rule to compute 〈英〉估算裁定 在有关汇票、本票和银行支票的诉讼中,法院在作出有利于原告的中间判决〔interlocutory judgment〕而损害赔偿额的确定只是一个计算问题,无需由原告举证来确定赔偿额时,法庭将不再要求原告执行损害评估令〔writ of inquiry〕,而是决定由法院主事官来计算本金和利息等损害赔偿额。

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formal rulemaking

Agency rulemaking that, when required by statute or the agency’s discretion, must be on the record after an opportunity for an agency hearing, and must comply with certain procedures, such as allowing the submission of evidence and the cross-examination of witnesses. Cf. informal rulemaking. [Cases: Administrative Law and Procedure 381–427. C.J.S. Public Administrative Law and

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fifty per cent rule

fifty per cent rule 百分之五十规则 海上保险中确定推定全损〔constructive total loss〕的一项规则。按此规则,当被保险船舶或海运途中的货物等保险标的发生保险事故后,其实际全损〔actual total loss〕已经不可避免,或者为避免船舶发生实际全损所需支付的费用超过保险价值的,或者为避免货物发生实际全损所需支付的费用与继续将货物运抵目的地的费用之和超过保险价值的,构成推定全损。换言之,当保险标的的损失或修理费用等于或超过保险标的之保险价值的50%时,任何修理或避免措施都失去经济意义,因此构成推定全损。故称「百分之五十规则」。保险标的发生推定全损,被保险人要求保险按照保险人价值全额赔偿的,应当向保险人委付〔abandon〕保险标的;如被保险人不采取委付措施,则只能要求赔偿部分损失。被保险人是否选择委付措施,由其自主衡量决定。

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York-Antwerp Rules

York-Antwerp Rules 《约克-安特卫普规则》 1860年9月,欧洲主要航运国家的代表在英国的格拉斯哥〔Glassgow〕举行有关共同海损问题的会议,制订了一项被称为「格拉斯哥决议」的理算规则。该决议后经1864年在英国的约克〔York〕和1877年在比利时的安特卫普〔Antwerp〕举行的会议修订,于1877年定名为《约克-安特卫普规则》(以下简称《规则》)。该《规则》又先后于1890年、1924年、1950年、1974年修订后,为各国航运界和保险界广泛采用。此后,国际海事委员会又分别于1990年和1994年对该《规则》予以修订,以使适应航运事业的发展。虽然该《规则》不是具有法律约束力的国际条约,而仅具国际惯例性质,由当事人自愿选择适用,但一经采用即在当事人之间产生法律约束力。该《规则》历经一百多年的发展和完善,已为国际航运界、保险界普遍接受,成为国际上适用最广泛、最重要的共同海损理算规则。由于该《规则》虽经每一次修订后形成新规则,但旧《规则》并不因此而废止,故形成了多个文本并存的状况,为示区别,在《规则》前冠以修订年份,当事人可择任一文本适用。

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preferential rule

Evidence. A rule that prefers one kind of evidence to another. • It may work provisionally, as when a tribunal refuses to consider one kind of evidence until another kind (presumably better) is shown to be unavailable, or it may work absolutely, as when the tribunal refuses to consider anything but the better kind of

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mcnaghten rules

McNaghten rules (mik-nawt-[schwa]n).Criminal law. The doctrine that a person is not criminally responsible for an act when a mental disability prevented the person from knowing either the nature and quality of the act or whether the act was right or wrong. • The federal courts and most states have adopted this test in some form.

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Statutory Rules and Orders

Statutory Rules and Orders 〈英〉《法规与法令集》 以前指次级立法中的主要门类。自1890年始每年出版该年的所有法规与法令,并定期出版索引;同时以往的法规被汇编为《法规与法令集修订本》〔Statutory Rules and Orders Revised〕。1893年《法规公布法》〔Rules Publication Act〕规定,在某些情况下制定法规的意图必须事先加以宣布,法规草案也应当予以公开,同时还对法规的印刷、编号、销售等作了规定。1946年,《法规与法令集》被更名为《行政立法性文件集》〔Statutory Instruments〕。

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