Search Results for: RULE, THE

blank forms rule

blank-forms rule. Copyright. The principle that forms are not protectable by copyright if they are designed for recording information but do not themselves convey any information. • The rule, first promulgated by the U.S. Supreme Court in Baker v. Selden, 101 U.S. 99 (1879), is now a U.S. Copyright Office regulation, 37CFR § 202.1(c). See

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true value rule

true value rule 足值(缴纳股金)规则 根据此规则,认购和得到公司股票的人必须以金钱或相当于金钱的其他方式足值缴纳股票票面金额,以使公司的实际资产与其账簿上的资产相符。无论是因欺诈、意外、错误或其他任何原因导致认购人缴纳的财产、提供的劳务等的实值低于股票票面金额,则该差额应被视同未交股金。认股人或股票持有人应补交并对公司债权人负责。

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last event rule

last event rule 〈美〉最后事件地规则 一项法律选择〔choice of law〕规则,规定在侵权之诉中,以原告受到人身伤害所在州作为侵权行为地。当被告的过错行为发生于某一州,而原告的伤害发生于另一州时,如果发生诉讼需要确定适用法〔applicable law〕,一般以侵权行为地法为适用法,故法院须适用本规则确定侵权行为地。该规则的理论依据在于,原告起诉被告非为其过错行为,而实为因此所受之损害。

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rule of recognition

In the legal theory of H.L.A. Hart, a legal system’s fundamental rule, by which all other rules are identified and understood. • In The Concept of Law (1961), Hart contends that a society’s legal system is centered on rules. There are primary rules of obligation, which prescribe how a person should act in society, and

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rulemaking power

rulemaking power 〈美〉规则制定权 指国会授予最高法院制定基层法院和上诉法院审理案件应当遵循的程序规则的权力。当前施行中的有适用于联邦地区法院、破产法院、上诉法院以及联邦司法官审理案件的民事诉讼规则、刑事诉讼规则及证据规则。有些联邦法院则有权制定适用于本法院的规则,如税务法院。

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