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nonintervention. Int’l law. The principle that a country should not interfere in the internal affairs of another country. • The U.N. Charter binds it from intervening “in matters which are essentially within the domestic jurisdiction of any state ….” U.N. Charter art. 2(7). — Also termed principle of nonintervention.

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cases and controversies

cases and controversies 〈美〉案件和争议 美国宪法中的用语,有时也称「case or controversy」,二者在含义上并无差别。通常被用来指宪法所确定的联邦法院的司法管辖权规则,即联邦法院只能就基于「案件和争议」所产生的问题行使司法裁判权,而不能对假设的案件或根本不存在的法律问题作出裁决。马歇尔〔Marshall〕大法官曾对「case」一词定义为指依据正式的司法程序提起的,并且属于美国宪法所规定的管辖权范围的案件或诉讼。「controversy」的含义与「case」完全相同,其区别仅在于「controversy」只能指民事案件。美国宪法的第三条第二款规定了联邦法院管辖的九种事项,对前三项称为「all Cases」。后六项合称为「Controversies」,因此,人们将这二者合起来称为联邦法院的司法管辖权范围。它包括当事人依正式程序提请法院裁决的各种请求和争辩。属联邦法院管辖的「案件和争议」必须是具体的、确定的,而不能是抽象的、假设的;它涉及具有相反利害关系的当事人之间的法律关系,并能表明当事人之间存在实质性争执点〔substantial issue〕,且就该争执点法院有作出裁判的紧迫性和现实性。

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operative, adj. 1. Being in or having force or effect; esp., designating the part of a legal instrument that gives effect to the transaction involved (the operative provision of the contract). 2. Having principal relevance; essential to the meaning of the whole (may is the operative word of the statute).

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no evidence

no evidence. 1. The lack of a legally sufficient evidentiary basis for a reasonable fact-finder to rule in favor of the party who bears the burden of proof (there is no evidence in the record about his whereabouts at midnight). • Under the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, a party can move for judgment as

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digest, n. 1. An index of legal propositions showing which cases support each proposition; a collection of summaries of reported cases, arranged by subject and subdivided by jurisdiction and court. • The chief purpose of a digest is to make the contents of reports available and to separate, from the great mass of caselaw, those

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vice president

vice president, n. 1. An officer selected in advance to fill the presidency if the president dies, resigns, is removed from office, or cannot or will not serve. • The Vice President of the United States, who is elected at the same time as the President, serves as presiding officer of the Senate. On the

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equitable distribution

equitable distribution. Family law. The division of marital property by a court in a divorce proceeding, under statutory guidelines that provide for a fair, but not necessarily equal, allocation of the property between the spouses. • With equitable distribution, when a marriage ends in divorce, property acquired during the marriage is divided equitably between the

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emblements (em-bl[schwa]-m[schwa]nts). 1. The growing crop annually produced by labor, as opposed to a crop occurring naturally. • Emblements are considered personal property that the executor or administrator of a deceased tenant may harvest and take regardless of who may have since occupied the land. — Also termed fructus industriales. [Cases: Crops 1. C.J.S. Crops

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dispute resolution procedure

dispute-resolution procedure. Intellectual property. A mechanism for resolving international grievances over intellectual-property protection, conducted by the World Trade Organization under the TRIPs Agreement. • The procedure begins with a complaint by one nation against another, followed by consultations between the nations, a WTO panel report on the issue, and (potentially) trade sanctions against one of

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communication. 1. The expression or exchange of information by speech, writing, gestures, or conduct; the process of bringing an idea to another’s perception. 2. The information so expressed or exchanged. conditionally privileged communication. A defamatory statement made in good faith by a person with an interest in a subject to someone who also has an

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