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traditio brevi manu

traditio brevi manu (tr[schwa]-dish-ee-oh bree-vIman-yoo). [Latin] Roman law. The surrender of the mediate possession of a thing to the person who is already in immediate possession of it. • This is a type of constructive delivery in which a delivery to the mediate possessor and redelivery to the immediate possessor are unnecessary. See BREVI MANU. […]

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strike n. (1)罢工 1英国1971年《劳资关系法》〔Industrial Relation Act〕将之定义为:一群工人为了敦促产业纠纷的解决而实质性地停止工作,不论其是否为纠纷当事人及其停止工作是否违反僱佣合同的条款,也不论其实施该行为是在僱佣过程之中或僱佣结束之后。但1974年《工会与劳资关系法》〔Trade Union and Labour Relations Act〕仅适用该词而不再下定义。2美国判例中将之定义为:一群工人向僱主提出某些要求遭拒绝后,为强制僱主同意该要求而停止工作。《劳资关系法》〔Labor Management Relation Act〕第501 (2)条规定:「罢工」包括由僱员发动的任何罢工或其他实质性停工、因集体劳动合同〔collective-bargaining agreement〕终止而引起的停工、以及实质性怠工或其他实质性的僱佣中断。 (2)排除候选陪审员 将某一候选陪审员的名字从候选陪审员名单〔jury panel〕上划掉。 (→striking a jury)

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provided,conj. 1. On the condition or understanding (that) (we will sign the contract provided that you agree to the following conditions). • For the Latin antecedent of this term, see DUMMODO. 2. Except (that) (all permittees must be at least 18 years of age, provided that those with a bona fide hardship must be at

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意向书(意向协议,条款) 英语:letter of intent (heads of agreement, of terms) 法语:lettre d’intention 德语:schriftliche Absichtserklärung 意大利语:lettera (accordo) di intenti 西班牙语:carta de intención

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liquidated damages

An amount contractually stipulated as a reasonable estimation of actual damages to be recovered by one party if the other party breaches. • If the parties to a contract have properly agreed on liquidated damages, the sum fixed is the measure of damages for a breach, whether it exceeds or falls short of the actual

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consensus ad idem

consensus ad idem (k[schwa]n-sen-s[schwa]s ad I-dem). [Latin] An agreement of parties to the same thing; a meeting of minds. — Also termed consensus in idem; consensus in idem, placitum et conventio. “Agreement between the parties or consensus in idem is the basis of contractual obligation ….” 2 David M. Walker, Principles of Scottish Private Law

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