Search Results for: RULE, THE

nonassertive conduct

Evidence. Nonverbal behavior that is not intended to be a statement, such as fainting while being questioned as a suspect by a police officer. • Nonassertive conduct is not a statement under the hearsay rule, and thus it is admissible. Fed. R. Evid. 801. [Cases: Criminal Law 419(2.10); Evidence 314(1). C.J.S. Criminal Law §§ 869, […]

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infant, n. 1. A newborn baby. 2. MINOR(1). “An infant in the eyes of the law is a person under the age of twenty-one years, and at that period (which is the same in the French and generally in the American law) he or she is said to attain majority; and for his torts and

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cujus haeredibus maxime prospicitur

cujus haeredibus maxime prospicitur (k[y]oo-j[schwa]s h[schwa]-red-i-b[ schwa]s mak-s[schwa]-mee proh-spis-i-t[schwa]r). [Latin] Hist. Whose heirs are chiefly regarded. “Cujus haeredibus maxime prospicitur…. This is a rule of construction to be attended to in ascertaining from the terms of a destination, in whom the fee of a property is vested, the ordinary rule being, that he is the

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end lines

end lines. Mining law. A claim’s lines, as platted or laid down on the ground, that mark its boundaries on the shorter dimension, where the claim crosses the vein, in contrast to side lines, which mark the longer dimension and follow the course of the vein. • With reference to the apex rule, if the

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unconstitutional conditions doctrine

unconstitutional-conditions doctrine. Constitutional law. 1. The rule that the government cannot condition a person’s receipt of a governmental benefit on the waiver of a constitutionally protected right (esp. a right under the First Amendment). • For example, a television station that receives public funds cannot be forced to refrain from endorsing political candidates. [Cases: Constitutional

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local option

local option 〈美〉地方自决;地方选择权 指县、镇或其他地方行政组织毋需征得州政府官员的明确许可而自主决定某一事务的权力,如该地区居民通过投票方式决定某一法律在本地区是否有效。地方自决常在地方选举中用以确定在本地区是否允许销售和饮用烈性酒〔alcoholic beverages〕,多数州也用它批准地方以自治〔home rule〕选举方式确定当地政府的组织结构,如纽约州曾授予自愿联合的村镇〔incorporated villages〕有在其辖区内限制烈性酒销售的权力,波当克〔Podunk〕村通过了一项地方法令限制烈性酒的销售不能超过32%比尔〔beer〕,如此,波当克村就行使了地方自决权。 (→delegation;home rule;liquor laws;legislative power)

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legal name

A person’s full name as recognized in law. • A legal name is usu. acquired at birth or through a court order. There are no rules governing a legal name’s length or constitution; it may be a single name (e.g., Prince) or include words not generally used in human names (e.g., Moon Unit). [Cases: Names

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character evidence

character evidence 品格证据 用来证明被告人、被害人或证人平时品格好坏的证据。在英美证据法上,品格证据一般不具有可采性,但有例外情况。如美国《联邦证据规则》〔Federal Rules of Evidence〕规定,有关某人品格的证据不能用以证明该人在特定场合的行为与其品格相一致,但如果是被告人提供的关于自己或被害人品格的证据,或者起诉方提供的用以反驳前述被告人提供的证据的证据,则具有可采性。此外,关于证人的可信性的品格证据可以受到评价证据〔opinion〕或名声证据〔reputation〕的攻击或支持。英国证据法也规定,有关诉讼当事人品格的证据不具有可采性,除非当事人的品格成为争议问题。并且,如果刑事被告人未提出其品格良好的证据或攻击起诉人或控方证人的品格,也不得向其提出关于其品格不良的问题。

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