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illegitimate child

illegitimate child 非婚生子女;私生子 指未婚父母所生的子女或已婚妇女与非其丈夫的男子所生的子女。在英国,无效婚姻的子女在普通法上属于非婚生子女,但是现在,只要父母其中一方认为其婚姻是有效的,则属于婚生。可宣告无效的婚姻在被宣告无效后,所生子女属于婚生子女。在美国,如果该子女在受孕后到出生前其父母结婚的,则为婚生子女。

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poison pill

poison pill. A corporation’s defense against an unwanted takeover bid whereby shareholders are granted the right to acquire equity or debt securities at a favorable price to increase the bidder’s acquisition costs. — Often shortened to pill. See TAKEOVER DEFENSE. Cf. PORCUPINE PROVISION. [Cases: Corporations 310(1). C.J.S. Corporations §§ 475, 477–484, 487–489.] “Another recent tactic

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creditor’s bill

creditor’s bill. An equitable suit in which a judgment creditor seeks to reach property that cannot be reached by the process available to enforce a judgment. — Also termed creditor’s suit. [Cases: Debtor and Creditor 11. C.J.S. Assignments for Benefit of Creditors § 26; Creditor and Debtor §§ 95–105.]

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ancillary jurisdiction

ancillary jurisdiction 〈美〉附带管辖权 指法院对由其具有初审管辖权的案件而生之请求(如反请求、交叉请求〔cross-claim〕)所具有的管辖权,尤指联邦法院对基于州法提出的,但构成依其州际民事诉讼管辖权〔diversity jurisdiction〕而在该法院提起的诉讼之一部分的请求所取得的补充管辖权。附带管辖权可使法院对整个案件〔entire case〕予以裁决,而无需将其请求分由几个法院来处理。

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