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patient’s bill of rights

patient’s bill of rights 〈美〉患者权利法案 由美国医院协会〔American Hospital Association〕草拟并经纽约市卫生部门〔New York City Department of Health〕采用。它对病人有权获得周到的治疗、有权知悉病情和诊断、有权接受或不接受治疗方案、有权保护其隐私、有权检查其费用单等各项权利作了全面规定。

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bill of mortality

bill of mortality. Hist. A record of the number of deaths occurring in a given district. • Bills of mortality were compiled — often week to week — in England from late in the 16th century to the 19th century as a way to keep track of the plague and other highly contagious diseases.

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nichills n. (英格兰古法)欠(财政署的)债;呆账;滞债;空账 应向财政署上缴而郡长却无法征收的债务,基于此,郡长要向财政署作「无」〔nil〕的回呈报告。这些债额每年都要由呆账记录官〔cleark of nichills〕抄写一份送往财政大臣录事官办公室〔treasure’s remembrancer’s office〕,后者将下令启动收回呆账程序。上述职位均于1833年被取消。

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foul bill of lading

foul bill of lading 不清洁提单;不洁提单 承运人对所装载承运的货物的表面状况加以不良批注的提单,如批注「破损」、「包装不固」或「油污」等。此种提单表明,货物是在表面状况不良的情况下装船的。如果在交付货物时发现货物受损或灭失,而致损原因可归于批注事项,则承运人对此损失不负责任。在国际贸易中,货物的买方和银行一般都不愿意接受不清洁提单。

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