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illegality, n. 1. An act that is not authorized by law. 2. The state of not being legally authorized. “A contract made ultra vires is void; but not [strictly speaking] on the ground of illegality. Lord Cairns … takes exception to the use of the term ‘illegality,’ pointing out that it is not the object […]

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L’obligation sans cause,ou sur une fausse cause,ou sur cause illicite,ne peut avoir aucun effet.

L’obligation sans cause,ou sur une fausse cause,ou sur cause illicite,ne peut avoir aucun effet. 〈法〉无对价、基于错误对价或非法对价之债无效。

L’obligation sans cause,ou sur une fausse cause,ou sur cause illicite,ne peut avoir aucun effet. Read More »

Clandestine Outlawries Bill

Clandestine Outlawries Bill 〈英〉《下议院优先议事权案》议会每届会议开始之际,就议会致答辞〔Address〕辩论之前,在下议院一读的一种议案。但对这种议案既不进行辩论也不继续向前推进。其唯一目的在于肯定下议院有在提供补偿之前昭雪冤屈的权利,并有讨论那些他们认为必需优先于英王致辞〔sovereign’s address〕中提出的议案的任何事项的权利。在上议院相应的议案是《上议院优先议事权案》〔Select Vestries Bill〕。 (→Select Vestries Bill)

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poison pill

poison pill 「毒丸」 作为收购对像或兼并目标的公司,为阻止收购或兼并的发生而采取的使其股票或财务状况对收购者或兼并者失去吸引力的策略。例如,发行一系列新的优先股,赋予其股东在公司被接管后以升水价格〔premium price〕赎回的权利,从而增加收购成本。

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illegal subdivision

The division of a tract of land into smaller parcels in violation of local subdivision regulations, as when a developer begins laying out streets, installing sewer and utility lines, and constructing houses without the authorization of the local planning commission. [Cases: Zoning and Planning 372. C.J.S. Zoning and Land Planning § 191.]

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illegitimate, adj. 1. (Of a child) born out of lawful wedlock and never having been legitimated (illegitimate son). • A child conceived while the mother is married but born after she is divorced or widowed is considered legitimate. [Cases: Children Out-of-Wedlock 1. C.J.S. Children Out-of-Wedlock §§ 2–11.] 2. Against the law; unlawful (illegitimate contract for

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will contest

will contest. Wills & estates. The litigation of a will’s validity, usu. based on allegations that the testator lacked capacity or was under undue influence. [Cases: Wills 203–434. C.J.S. Wills §§ 52, 445–605, 607–818, 2026–2038, 2057–2062.]

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